Event Recording - March 6
Recording of March 6 Rofim International Bikur Cholim Lifesaving Event with:
*Dr. Pierre Kory MD
*Dr. Richard Urso MD
*Rabbi Aharon Friedman
*Mrs. Esther Black, HHC
*Mr. Babry Oren, BAO Health Resources Corporation (Folium pX)
*Professor Leonard Sonnenschein, Healthy Options (A1 Mineral Drops)
*Dr. Avraham Tenenbaum
-How to help patients with low oxygen avoid intubation
-How to heal adverse effects of Covid-19 vaccination
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/U3rF5Vc-f3-NHU56p_r2QY9umn1m8jhP8r-dhawoWRL6MfYegYugVjPw8TOtoj6c.m5Tkqc-rUjDxPDkv Passcode: XD.6r%JB